What is it like working with Booth Ag?

  • What is the business?

    A family-owned mixed farming & irrigation business in the Central West of NSW. The business has 16 centre pivots using precision technology across four farms to produce:

    * Potatoes, Sweet Corn, Popcorn, Seed corn, Adzuki beans & other niche crops

    * Wheat, Barley, Chickpeas, Seed canola

    * Grazing crops

    In addition to intensive cropping programs, we have breeding, trading and finishing programs for sheep and cattle across the farms and have long-term relationships involving agistment and leasing farmland.

  • How do we work?

    From 2024 to 2034, Booth Ag is hoping to continue to expand, whilst ever our team seek new challenges, identify opportunities and enjoy working together.

    We are a tight knit work place.

    Working with:

    - a “hands on” owner

    - excellent farm manager

    - experienced farm staff

    - dedicated contractors; and

    - an extensive external agronomic team.

    Working with Booth Ag is physically demanding, but very rewarding.

    We enjoy working together to ensure those with young children or grand-children can attend school-events, and share the workload during weekends, school holidays and busy times of the year.

    If weekend work is involved (which sometimes can't be avoided due to weather or other timings), we share the load of weekend work to ensure our wives/husbands & partners know ahead of time, when we are "on-call", and when we can absolutely plan to be "off".

  • We enjoy work

    We are now clear about who we are: a first-generation family farm business.

    It is unwise in a first-generation business to own a significant number of big, new tractors.

    We understand for some employees, this is important to them. But this isn't us.

    Rather, at Booth Ag we schedule new plant & equipment purchases and capital expenditure each year. Brendan manages a considered repair/maintenance program (given his mechanical repair background).

    Instead of focusing on ‘big, new and shiny’, we choose to invest in:

    * staff development and training;

    * keeping abreast of industry changes and challenges;

    * soil biology and soil carbon to assist with yield and quality; and

    * on farm technology to streamline production and enable transparency in gross margin analysis.

    When the farm business is profitable, we invest in new plant & equipment - but we enjoy remunerating our team really well as our priority.

What type of people do we love working with?

We enjoy working with people who have:

Accuracy and eye for detail

  • Attention to all requirements of a task and implementation of checking and follow-up.


  • Ability to be punctual on a regular basis and letting Brendan or Matt know if delayed

    Prioritising skills

  • Identification of the important operational requirements of the farm.

  • Implement priority tasks within the resource capabilities available.


  • A quality of self-reliance and boldness.

  • A confidence and belief in own ideas and opinions and a willingness to express and act upon them.


  • The ability to perceive and understand the feelings of others.

  • Mindfulness of the realities of living in a rural community – we place a high value on getting along with our neighbours, members in the community and our business reputation generally.

    Handling pressure and stress

  • The ability to continue to perform well under pressure or in stressful circumstances.


  • An ability to act when action is required.

  • Actively seeks out opportunities to make extra contributions to benefit the business.


  • The ability to work with other people towards a common goal.

  • To establish effective collaborative relationships with other people in the business.

    Work ethic

  • The commitment to work ethically, honestly and diligently to ensure our product, our workplace and our family business maintains a high standard


  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively via phone, sms, interpersonally or by email, present ideas and to document activities.

  • To source, read and interpret written information.

  • To keep all stakeholders up to date.

  • To answer the work phone provided by work purposes

    Health and fitness

  • Maintain physical fitness, being prepared to work outdoors for most of the work day.

Working at Booth Ag looks like…

  • Seed Corn harvesting

  • Safety Induction

  • Chemical card training & refresher

  • Header set up training

  • Storing hay in bunkers

  • Grain harvest